Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Global Warming Hits the Reef

At WUWT, The Resilient Great Barrier Reef: Analyzing the Surprising Recovery Amidst Climate Alarmism

For years, the Great Barrier Reef has been the poster child for environmentalists warning about the dire consequences of climate change. Predictions of its imminent demise have been frequent, with a focus on coral bleaching events, ocean acidification, and rising sea temperatures attributed to increasing CO2 emissions. However, recent reports indicate that the Great Barrier Reef has hit record coral cover for the thi
rd year in a row, challenging these prevailing narratives.
Jo Nova, offers a critical examination of the factors contributing to the reef’s unexpected resilience.

Record Coral Cover Amidst Rising CO2 Emissions

According to Jo Nova’s article, “After a trillion tons of CO2, the Great Barrier Reef hits record coral cover third year in a row,” the reef’s coral cover is at an all-time high despite the significant increase in CO2 emissions over the past few decades. Nova notes:
“Sixty percent of all human CO2 emissions have been emitted since 1985 but today the corals are healthier than ever. In 1985 humans were emitting only 19.6 billion tons of CO2 each year, and now we emit 37 billion tons. In the meantime AIMS have been dragging divers thousands of kilometers over the reefs to inspect the coral cover. These are the most detailed underwater surveys on the largest reef system in the world, and they show that far from being bleached to hell, the corals are more abundant than we have ever seen them.

This statement directly contradicts the long-held assertion that increased CO2 levels are leading to the rapid degradation of coral reefs. Instead, the data collected by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) suggests a thriving ecosystem, with coral cover significantly higher than predicted.

Questioning the Scientific Consensus

The article highlights the role of Dr. Peter Ridd, a marine scientist known for his critical views on mainstream climate science. Ridd has pointed out inconsistencies in how data on coral cover is reported:

Ridd’s observations suggest that the methodology and presentation of data can significantly influence public perception and policy decisions. By splitting the data into sections, the overall positive trend might be obscured, thus supporting the narrative of a declining reef.

As Peter Ridd points out, when the reef was doing badly, AIMS was happy to combine the data on the whole reef, so we could lament its demise. But lately AIMS splits it into separate sections and if Peter Ridd didn’t check the numbers, who would know it was a record across the full 2,300 kilometer length of the reef? And that may be exactly the point. As Ridd reminds us, in 2012 the AIMS team predicted the coral cover in the central and southern regions would decline to 5 – 10 percent cover by 2022. Instead the whole reef is thriving at 30 percent [higher coral cover].

UNESCO has been a prominent player in the discussion about the Great Barrier Reef’s status. For years, there have been threats to label the reef as “in danger,” a move that could have significant political and economic repercussions. The article comments on UNESCO’s actions:
UNESCO has been threatening to slap an endangered label on the reef for years. They would have looked ridiculous if they had done this whilst corals were at a record high. But that didn’t stop them demanding tribute and conditions anyway, as if Australia can’t manage the reef by itself. Our Prime Minister should have laughed at them and cut UN funding until they start making sense.
The interplay between environmental organizations, governments, and international bodies like UNESCO often extends beyond pure environmental concerns, touching on issues of sovereignty, economic interests, and political power.

The Reality of Coral Bleaching

Coral bleaching is often cited as the most visible sign of climate change’s impact on marine ecosystems. However, the article provides context that challenges the alarmist perspective:
There have been some bleaching events both before and after the survey, and as is normal, we won’t know for months whether any corals actually died or whether it was just the normal home renovation that corals go through when they get stressed. It’s common for corals to throw out the zooanthellae as temperatures change and let in newer house-guests that are better acclimatized.
This explanation suggests that bleaching is a natural response mechanism for corals, allowing them to adapt to changing environmental conditions rather than a straightforward indicator of environmental decline.

The Role of Cyclones and Starfish Plagues

The article also touches on the natural threats to the reef, such as cyclones and crown-of-thorns starfish:
As Peter Ridd says the biggest threats to the reef are cyclones and crown-of-thorns starfish plagues, neither of which appear to be any worse now than they were years ago.
These natural factors have historically posed significant risks to coral reefs, and their impact is not necessarily linked to anthropogenic climate change.

Public Perception and Media Influence

The disconnect between public perception and scientific reality is a recurring theme in the article. A survey mentioned indicates widespread ignorance about the reef’s current state:
Ten years after our corals hit a record low, our survey showed that half the country didn’t realize the reef has recovered. Only 3% knew the corals were at a record high, and nearly half the Green voters were as wrong as they possibly could be — they thought coral cover was at a record low.
This highlights the role of media and educational campaigns in shaping public understanding, often emphasizing negative narratives over positive developments.

Conclusion: Reevaluating the Narrative

The story of the Great Barrier Reef’s recovery challenges the dominant climate change narrative. While it’s crucial to remain vigilant about environmental protection, it’s equally important to base our policies and perceptions on accurate, comprehensive data. The resilience of the Great Barrier Reef serves as a reminder that nature can be more adaptable and robust than we often assume.

In light of this information, it’s essential to continue scrutinizing and questioning the methodologies and motives behind environmental reports and policies. Efforts to protect the environment must be grounded in reality in order to be truly effective.

Look around the globe. Coral grow only in the warmest water. If anything, global warming will only expand the range of tropical corals. 

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Redheads – Threat or Menace? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

Beach Report 7/31/24

A warm day, about 90 at home, but only 80ish at the beach, under the influence of a strong south wind
It was about dead high tide when I started, but I had a lot of gravel and shell to look through on the way up, not so much on the way back.
By far the best of 21 sharks teeth. I'm calling it a Mako, but I can't say I'm convinced.

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden Deposed in White House Coup, Kamala Called Out on Flip Flops

But first, some news on the PINO, Joe Biden. Jonathan Turley, Biden Abandons the Court . . . and His Last Inviolate Principle.  I don't think he has any principles except a lust for power and money. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair agrees, "Biden doesn't have principles. He has political interests. He's hardly alone in Washington on that point, of course, but he's been around for over 50 years and he's changed on all other issues, too. Especially on abortion." Cutie Pavlich at TownHall notices KJP Can't Explain Biden's Flip Flop Attack on the Supreme Court. Insty, NORMS: Guy Benson@guypbenson, "The “democracy” and “norms” party has now fully embraced fundamentally uprooting and remaking our Supreme Court — entirely because they aren’t getting their preferred outcomes in some major cases. That’s the only reason" Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw, Harris Endorses Biden's Unconstitutional SCOTUS 'Reforms.' 

Matt Vespa at TownHall, If This Story Is True, Then Joe Biden Was Deposed in a Coup. Althouse, "By Saturday, July 20, former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden." "Hersh suggests that Harris continues to be under Obama's control, and "she had better perform." She's not the nominee yet. Hersh also writes that Kamala Harris "often showed little interest" in "the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of current intelligence that is prepared overnight by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and delivered by hand to the most vital offices in Washington, including the vice president’s." Hersh says that Harris even "asked the agency to stop delivering it to her."" Ace, Seymour Hersh: The Big Three -- Pelosi, Schumer, and Obama -- Told Biden That Kamala Harris Was Ready to Invoke the 25th Amendment If He Didn't Agree to the Coupists' Terms. They didn't care that he was senile, they cared he was losing. Insty, SO WHY ARE THEY TREATING HER LIKE SHE’S “ACTING PRESIDENT?”, Kamala Says Joe Is Fit for Office.  RNC Research @RNCResearch, "Biden calls himself a "former president." WHAT DID KAMALA KNOW AND WHEN DID SHE KNOW IT? Hat Hair, NEW: Anita Dunn Leaves WH After Getting Blindsided by Biden Withdrawal.

Don Surber asserts Media pushes to elect a coconut.  Matt Taibbi at Racket, Humans Conquer Everest of Cringe "New York magazine releases new coconut-themed "Kamalot" issue, dispels rumors it is kidding." From Spiked, The emptiness of Kamala Harris. Capt. Ed comments. "They can't justify a basement campaign in the longer term. They've been able to keep Harris mostly under wraps this past week -- and it hasn't helped." Matt Margolis at PJM issues a Democrat Civil War Watch: California Democrat Delegates Call Kamala 'Not Our Best Candidate'. 'Bonchie' at RedState, Kamala Harris Has 'Reset' the Race, What That Actually Means Isn't Good for Democrats. Ryan King at NYPo hears from Nate Silver: Trump remains the favorite in 2024 presidential race despite Harris’ rise.   Jen O'Connell at RedState, The Honeymoon Is Over: New Harvard/Harris Poll and DNC Leaks May Sink Kamala Harris' Ship. Ace says Polls Are For Strippers But Strippers Seem Genuinely Interested In Me, "A new Harris/Harvard X poll has Trump only up by three over Kamala, 48-45." Althouse, "Oh! Oh! I am a Democrat. Oh! So sad, so cold, so hungry! The world is dark! The world in the future, she's bleak!... The worst nightmare kind of scenario! It's a doom loop!" "Jon Stewart enacts the drama of the Democrat's recent emotional arc:" Manu Raju@mkraju, "Jon Tester, who hails from the red state of Montana and is perhaps the most vulnerable Senate Democrat, still won't endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. "You guys keep telling me that I have the toughest race in the country -- that's what I'm focused on," Tester told me. Asked again why he's not endorsing Harris, Tester said: "I'm focused on Montana and a defense bill that we are getting out on Thursday.""

At PJM Stephen Kruiser thinks In Theory, Someone Will Eventually Be Kamala Harris's Running Mate. Matt Margolis sees Kamala's Running Mate Selection Process Takes a Humiliating Turn. "Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) took herself out of consideration, and two others have followed suit since dirt dug up on them made them a lot less likely to be picked. Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-Pa.) has been accused of covering up sexual harassment in his office, and then Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) has been exposed as the co-founder of a spy balloon company that was partially funded by China. This may not preclude Kamala from selecting either, but it likely hurts both of their chances." Capt. Ed, Kamala Veepstakes Shortlister: Socialism Is Just 'Neighborliness'! Tim Walz.  At TownHall,  Madeline Leesman notes a Democrat Senator From Battleground State Refuses to Say If He’d Be Harris’ Running Mate, and 'Becca Downs, Does This Announcement Mean We Know Who Will be Kamala Harris' Running Mate? Josh Shapiro (D-PA). 

Insty, WILL THE REAL KAMALA HARRIS PLEASE STAND UP? Alex Thompson@AlexThomp, "Harris no longer supports Medicare for All, per @reidepstein Also says she won’t ban fracking, wants to increase funding for the border, and doesn’t want to require ppl to sell their assault weapons back to the govt." Da Caller, Team Harris Swears Kamala Won’t Kill Fracking, But Will Anyone Believe Them? Chaz Cooke at NRO, Why I Have Changed All My Policies, by Kamala Harris. Capt. Ed, This one made me laugh out loud. It's almost Babylon Bee-worthy, and NYT: Dastardly Republicans Are 'Weaponizing' Kamala's 2020 Positions. At least it wasn't pouncing or seizing. They at least cracked a thesaurus. Ace, NYT: Sneaky Republican Racists Have an Underhanded Line of Attack on Kamala Harris -- Pointing Out Her Unpopular Leftwing Positions on Important Issues. The Divine Ms. Devine at NYPo, Kamala Harris must still hold Biden’s border, inflation baggage — even as Dems’ myth-making machine fires on all cylinders. Da Caller, New Poll Sinks Dems’ Hopes That Voters Will Forget All About Kamala Harris’ Record On Immigration. In her race to embrace her (distant) African heritage, Kamala ditches her Indian roots, Insty, THOSE WERE THE DAYS: "I was looking through some online archives available through my university’s library, and noticed that there was a time in her political career that Kamala Harris talked a lot more about her Indian heritage." There's not enough victimhood in being Indian. 

But of course, they do have a new issue to run on. Republicans are weird! Althouse, "These guys are just weird. That's where they are.... The fascist depend on fear. The fascists depend on us going back, but we're not afraid of weird people. No, we we're a little bit creeped out, but we're not afraid." "
Said Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, in audio played in the new episode of the NYT "Daily" podcast, "The V.P.’s Search for a V.P." The podcast host observes that the message — "Republicans are... just too weird for America" — "does seem like it's sticking a little bit." Is it "sticking" or is it just the word that's getting said by people who say the same word at the same time. I'm thinking of those people who all used the word "selfless" when Biden accepted getting ousted." Also, "If I were advising the candidates, I’d tell them to double down on weirdness." "Says David Brooks, on September 8, 2008." Trump War Room @TrumpWarRoom, "Here's Kamala bragging about her work to ensure "every transgender inmate in the prison system" has access to taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgeries."  Da Caller, Kamala Harris Can’t Hide Record That Earned Her ‘Most Liberal’ Senator Label. At Insty, BOLD STRATEGY, COTTON, LET’S SEE IF IT PAYS OFF FOR THEM: Stephen Miller@StephenM, "The Harris campaign has decided they want to fight a culture war this summer with the GOP. Their cultural priorities are: —Sex changes for minors —Drag shows for kids —Pornography in schools —Men in women’s sports —Men in girls’ restrooms and locker rooms —race-based everything". Twitchy, NICE Man Bun: Here Are the Best (Worst) Takeaways From EMBARRASSING White Dudes for Kamala Call (Watch). VodkaPundit at PJM, So 'White Dudes For Kamala' Had a Celebrity-Filled Zoom Call and the Cringe Was Epic. Mike LaChance at LI, “White Women for Harris” Shows How Democrats Have Fully Embraced Campus Lunacy, “As white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes.” Lincoln Brown at PJM laughs at Republicans for Harris! Insty, IN HER DEFENSE, SHE’S A MORON: Paul A. Szypula@Bubblebathgirl "Molly Jong-Fast says JD Vance only wants “white children.” Vance has an Indian-American wife and three biracial children." Fox, 'Voice of leadership': Harris has repeatedly praised her pastor who blamed America for 9/11. "'He has been on this journey with me every step of the way,' Harris said about Rev Amos Brown."

On the Bidenomics watch, Insty, SOMETHING THAT CAN’T GO ON FOREVER, WON’T: Wall Street Silver@WallStreetSilv, "Since January 2020 the debt has ballooned by 50% from $23 trillion to $35 trillion. Interest on the debt is also skyrocketed with higher rates, averaging around 5% lately. Interest on the debt is on pace for $1.5 trillion next year, about 30% of all govt revenue collected." VodkaPundit, Bidenflation Finally Takes a Bite Out of McDonald's. At the Free Bacon, Iran Raked In $16 Billion From Illicit Oil Sales in Just 4 Months, Highlighting Biden-Harris Admin's Lax Sanctions Enforcement.

Larry at Hat Hair, Trump Goes All in on Kamala: I'm Ready to Debate Her!, but at NewsMax, Trump: I'll 'Probably' Debate Kamala but 'Can Also Make a Case for Not'. Dave Strom sees Trump's First Big TV Ad Buy Is Now Up in Swing States. At Da Caller, Reagan Reese, Trump Campaign Issues Brutal Blow To Project 2025 After Leader Steps Down “Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign— it will not end well for you,” and National Association Of Black Journalists Co-Chair Steps Down After Trump Interview, “To the journalists interviewing Trump, I wish them the best of luck.”  Capt. Ed, Election Iranterference: Tehran Working to Stop Trump -- By Any Means Necessary. At TownHall, 'Becca Downs wonders Why Does Chuck Schumer Want Trump to Replace JD Vance So Badly? Hint, it's not because he wants Trump to win.

WSJ, America’s New Political War Pits Young Men Against Young Women, "A majority of men under 30 support former President Trump and Republican control of Congress, a sharp reversal from the 2020 race; young women strongly favor Democrats." Capt. Ed, "I'm less concerned about the outcome of the election than I am about the prospects for successful family creation in the next decade or so. The hyper-politicization we see now will create all sorts of unhappy pairings -- and it might take another generation after this to resolve the split." If women could just admit men are right. NewsMax, 'Bending of Reality': US Liberals Stoke Political Conspiracies.

At Breitbart, Zelensky Promises to Roll Out ‘Action Plan for Peace’ in Ukraine by November, Hmm, I wonder what has him moving on it. 

A hearing was held in the Senate yesterday on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The acting Secret Service director, Ronald Rowe, former head of the protective division, elevated after the resignation of his boss Kimberly Cheatle, was righteously grilled by Republicans. Sundance at CTH posts the whole thing, Trump Assassination Attempt – Senate Homeland Security Committee Questions FBI and Secret Service – 10:00am EDT Livestream, and highlights Senators Hawley, Cruz and Johnson Question Secret Service Director and Deputy FBI Director. Fox, Acting Secret Service director tells Senate Trump shooting was 'a failure of the Secret Service' "Secret Service ran into bandwidth issues on day of rally, acting director says." At NewsMax, Acting Secret Service Boss 'Ashamed' of Trump Rally Security Lapses. WaEx, Secret Service agents didn’t see Trump shooter ‘until they heard gunshots’: Acting director. Capt. Ed, Fireworks: Meet the New Secret Service Boss, Same As the Old Dodgy Boss. Jamie Parson at TownHall, Secret Service Acting Director: Trump Assassination Attempt Was a 'Failure of the Secret Service'. Susan Crabtree@susancrabtree, "Finally! @TedCruz asks why the Secret Service spokesman still has his job after he lied to the press and the public in the 48 hours after the assassination attempt against Trump and no longer has credibility. . . " Josh Hawley@HawleyMO, "The Secret Service director to me today: a lot of people made a lot of mistakes but we won’t tell you who and we won’t fire anybody." Twitchy, BEAST MODE: Ted Cruz ENDS Career of Secret Service Director Who 'Snaps, Begins Screaming' (WATCH). Mary Chastain at LI, ‘Does the Buck Stop Anywhere?!’ Cruz Lashes Out at Secret Service Denying Trump, RFK Jr. More Protection. “I believe that Secret Service leadership made a political decision to deny these requests.” Andrew Torba @BasedTorba, "BREAKING: The FBI is now claiming that the Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had an unspecified "social media account" in 2019/2020 (when he was 14/15 years old) that posted "anti-immigrant and anti-semitic" content. This is not consistent with Gab's understanding of the shooter's motives based on an Emergency Disclosure Request ("EDR") we received from the FBI last week for the Gab account "EpicMicrowave" which, based on the content of that EDR, the FBI appeared to think belonged to Thomas Crooks. . . ." NewsMax, Gab CEO: Trump Shooter's Account Was 'Pro-Biden' Robby Starbuck @robbystarbuck, "Marsha Blackburn forced the FBI to admit that the GAB account reportedly belonging to Thomas Crooks, espoused a leftist, pro-Biden/Harris ideology. The only right wing comments he made online were made long before that when he was 14. Crooks was a leftist." Insty, TO ASK THE QUESTION IS TO ANSWER IT: Why Are the Feds Hiding the Would-Be Trump Assassin’s Left-Wing Radicalism? (Vicky Taft at PJM).

Da Caller, ‘They Lied To Us’: Mike Lee Questions Why Secret Service Allowed Trump To Take Stage After Shooter Was Identified. Jazz Shaw recounts Another Secret Service Lapse for Trump in Nashville. Susan Crabtree@susancrabtree, " EXCLUSIVE: A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until "5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions." The counter sniper also said the agency "SHOULD expect another assassination attempt" before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13. "This agency NEEDS to change," the sniper wrote in the email. "If not now, WHEN? "The NEXT assassination in 30 days?. . . " Ace, Secret Service Agent Email: I Will Not Be Silent Until The Top Five "Leaders" Responsible for This Catastrophe Have Resigned, Which They Already Should Have Done. "By the way: The Secret Service immediately deleted this email, so you know they're a bunch of straight-shooter Lunchbucket Joes like the FBI are." NYPo, That bullet intended for Trump could have completely ripped apart American life. From Campus Reform, Rutgers professor under internal review for comments after Trump assassination attempt: 'Let's hope today's events inspire others'  Dr. John at Flopping Aces, Christopher Wray- the FBI Director who takes briefings from Joy Reid. Althouse is touched by Trump, "She either likes or loves me." "Says Donald Trump, talking about Melania's reaction to seeing him shot, live, on TV."

Joanne Jacobs predicts the New Title IX LGBTQ+ rules set off 'race to the Supreme Court'. My prediction? They won't make it there before Trump repeals them. NRO invites you to Meet the Trans-Identifying Male Felons of the Washington State Women’s Prison. WokeSpy, “My Son Is Dead” – Elon Musk Vows To “Destroy” Wokeism In Heartbreaking Interview. I think this was a tipping point in the red-pilling of Elon Musk. 

At Campus Reform, University of California regents vote to ban political opinions from university homepages after anti-Israel concern.  The College Fix reports a Conservative professor disciplined for criticizing DEI gets $2.4 million to settle lawsuit against college. Make 'em bleed money. At Insty Dave Bernstein sees A JUDGE FROM AN ERA LONG GONE: "Federal judge Richard Stearns, a Clinton appointee, has dismissed a discrimination lawsuit filed by Jewish students against MIT. Boston judges have a history of protecting the local elite institutions (MIT and Harvard) from lawsuits, so this isn’t a great surprise, though shows extremely dubious legal judgment to dismiss a case like this on a motion to dismiss before there has been any discovery. This is especially true given that Stearns acknowledges that MIT Jewish students have faced serious discrimination."

Grayson Bakich at PJM, Woke Air Force Guidebook Recommends Communist Agitator Angela Davis as a 'Resource'. "And then they wonder why we're facing a recruiting crisis."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

The Wednesday Wetness

WaPoo, D.C. region under drought watch as officials advise limiting water use. "Officials says short showers and other limits on water use can help the region as heat continues."
Six million residents across the region are being asked to be careful with their water use after the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments issued a drought watch on Monday. The guidance comes after a stretch of record-setting hot days that has created unusually dry conditions in Maryland, Virginia and the District, including low flow in the Potomac River.

Officials remain adamant that region is prepared. The three water supply reservoirs in the region are full, and if needed water can be directed from them into the river basin. The water-saving measures suggested by local leaders on Monday — including taking five-minute showers; turning the faucet off when brushing your teeth; and waiting to wash dishes and laundry until you have full loads — remain voluntary.

Our water system, which depends of water from deep wells, 300-400 ft, is unaffected by drought. The aquifers are managed, and even during drought spells with high water use, our usage remains under the withdrawal limits set by the state.

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Redheads – Threat or Menace? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Virginia To Get A New Marine School

John Page Williams at Chesapeake Bay Mag, $100 Million Gift to William & Mary Will Start Marine Science School

Virginia’s College of William & Mary is the third oldest institution of higher learning in the United States (founded in 1693)—but it’s still making history in 2024.

This past week it received a $100 million gift, its largest ever, its largest gift ever, to create a brand new School of Coastal & Marine Sciences. It breaks the record as the highest gift ever given to a university for a school dedicated to coastal and marine sciences.

William & Mary’s Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences comes courtesy of Virginia Beach philanthropist Jane Batten, the widow of the late Frank Batten, who founded Landmark Communications, the original parent of The Weather Channel. He served on William & Mary’s Board of Visitors in the 1990s.

Mrs. Batten holds two honorary degrees from the College. Previously, the Batten Family has generously supported W&M’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business. This new gift emphasizes the family’s commitment to fostering coastal resilience in the face of global change.

The Batten School of Coastal & Marine Sciences will live at the College’s Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) on the York River in Gloucester Point. Established by law in 1940 as the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory and fully integrated with William & Mary in 1979, VIMS serves as a state agency researching and advising Virginia regulators on marine science, along with its academic programs.

It's her money, but I don't remember any lack of marine science schools, or marine science graduates in the Bay reagion. 

Flotsam and Jetsam - Weird, Preznit Biden Calls Speak Johnson DOA

Last evening, part-time President Biden woke up from his afternoon nap, and gave an address proposing to gut the Supreme Court in the name of "reform." Of course, this could never pass the Congress as it is currently constituted, so it is merely a campaign ploy. Honestly, I'm amazed he cares enough, in the wake of his impending ouster by fellow Democrats, to try to give them this issue. 

Capt. Ed at Hat Hair,  Quasi-President Reverses: On Second Thought, Let's Revamp SCOTUS and Monday's Final Words. Althouse, The lamest lame duck executive seeks to meddle with the judicial branch. "Having faltered and fallen in his own lane, Joe Biden seems to think his view of the Supreme Court might matter." Dayam! Dan McLaughlin at NRO says Kamala Harris and Joe Biden Propose Their Own January 6 for the Courts. Ace, Biden: Let's Destroy the Independence of the Supreme Court to Further Save Democracy, "Why is this self-confessed vegetable still inhabiting the Oval Office?" Of course it wouldn't be complete without some kind of Biden gaffe. WaT, Biden says Speaker Johnson is ‘dead on arrival’ in confusing exchange with reporter. Mary Chastain at LI, Biden on Johnson Saying SCOTUS Reform is Dead on Arrival: ‘He is. Dead on Arrival’, "Come on, man." Sundance at CTH, Joe Biden says House Speaker Mike Johnson is “Dead on Arrival.” Ace, Biden: My Supreme Court Bill Isn't "Dead on Arrival," Speaker Johnson Is, "We have a nasty, angry, bitterly senile man as "president," and the Media Patriots are all okay with this."

Pete van Buren at Am Con, sees The Biden Coverup Comes Back to Bite the Dems. "There are no good options." RNC Research@RNCResearch "Pete Buttigieg confirms they were "ALL AWARE" of Biden's obvious cognitive impairment — including Kamala Harris — but lied to the American people anyway. Kamala led the coverup of the century." Great loop. At RCP, Hemingway: Democrat Swap to Harris Really About Preventing Down Ballot Collapse, Loss of 6, 7 Senate Seats. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, Roger Kimball at Am Great, Democracy in Name Only: How Kamala Harris Became Democratic Nominee, The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats  and Adam Schwarz at Am Con calls President Biden  A Single Point of Failure for America.  Breitbart, Report: Democrats Privately Anxious About Kamala Harris’s Ability to Defeat Trump. Sundance sees a Nice Cover Story – Biden Holds Meeting of Ballot Coordinators During AF1 Flight to Austin and Preparing Against Putin – Team Behind Joe Biden Announce Expanded Nuclear Weapon Deployment for UK and Europe. And somebody wants a refund, 'Becca Downs at TownHall, Here's the New Effort for Biden Donors to Demand Their Money Back. Good luck with that. 

Stacy McCain says Issues? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Issues!. VodkaPundit at PJM has a VIDEO: Harris Unburdened by Knowledge or Facts in Latest Word Salad We don't need issues, we can just call the Republicans weird! Dave Rubin@RubinReport "Supercut of NPC’s being programmed to say “weird.”" Jim Treacher, The Dems Claim the OTHER Guys Are Weird "At least they're trying". Dave Strom, The New Brainwashing Is... "weird." At Twitchy, You Wanna' Talk Weird? Check Out What a Kamala SUPPORTER Says About How She Treats Her Interns. Elon Musk@elonmusk, "They should mix up the propaganda more. This is way too obvious. Just like when they were parroting before the debate that Biden was “sharp as a tack”" Jen Van Laar at RedState, 'Good Morning, General' - Intern From Kamala Harris' Attorney General Days Shares Eye-Opening Stories. Dave Strom at Hat Hair sees Kamala Segregating Her Supporters--Literally. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, At Twitchy, WATCH: Mary Katherine Ham Perfectly Parodies the 'White Women For Kamala' Meeting. and Dana Loesch , Cat Ladies & The Nauseating White Savior Sisters For Kamala.
At Hat Hair, Fauxcahontas Helping Out Kamala's Campaign: She Will Help 'Create a Path to Citzenship'. Collin Rugg@CollinRugg "NEW: Far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren says Kamala Harris will grant citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants who illegally entered the country. Why rig one election when you can rig every election in the future . . .?" From the Right Scoop, Elizabeth Warren confirms that Kamala will grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants. At WaEx, Harris’s campaign manager indicates she would keep Biden border policy in place if elected. NYPo, Next mayor wants NYC to be even more of a ‘sanctuary’ for illegal immigrants. Luke Rosiak at Da Wire, Homeland Security Failed To Enforce Mandatory DNA Tests At the Border. Whistleblowers Say Violent Criminals And Child Traffickers Took Advantage. Bob Hoge at RedState, Reports the Suspect Who Allegedly Shot San Antonio Police Officer With a Rifle Is Venezuelan Illegal Alien. Dave Strom sees Kamala Gives Seal of Approval for Venezuela Election, with obvious fraud and intimidation. 'Bonchie' at RedState knows Venezuela's Election Was Just Stolen, and Biden-Harris Were at the Center of It. VodkaPundit, Harris Says 'I Will Not Be Silent' About Dead Kids in Gaza War — Unless They're Israeli Kids. Duane Patterson at Hat Hair VIP thinks Kamala Harris' Silence On Hezbollah Attack Is Complicity. Victory Girls, Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector. As Ace puts it, Border Czar Kamala Harris Positioned Three Hamas Terrorists For Success Last Month
"Don't call them illegals! Or terrorists!"

Newsbusters, ABC, CBS, NBC Gush Over Kamala’s ‘Strength’, ‘Surge’ Putting Trump ‘On Defense’. Capt. Ed pounces on Politico Pounces: Trump Accused Kamala of Opposing Fracking! Dug Howlett at TAG explains Why America’s Corporate Media Loves Harris’ Anti-Gun Agenda. At NewsMax, Musk Calls Harris 'Extinctionist'. "Billionaire Elon Musk called Vice President Harris an "extinctionist" after seeing a video of Harris discussing the "climate anxiety" young people feel regarding their futures." Evita Duffy-Alfonso at Bongino says Communist Kamala Harris Isn’t Just Stupid — She’s Dangerous. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, BattleSwarm: Andrew Schulz Roasts Kamala Harris, Power Line, How Bad Is Kamala?

At USA Today,  Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: I have not been vetted as Kamala Harris' running mate. Capt. Ed comments "I'm not surprised. Whitmer said a week ago that she didn't have any interest in the role, and she has good reasons to avoid it. But those reasons probably apply to Josh Shapiro as well, which means Harris will have to look elsewhere, unless Shapiro really wants to provide Harris cover for her anti-Semitic base on the Left." Rick Moran at PJM, Potential Harris VP Pick Josh Shapiro Accused by Democrat of Covering Up Sexual Harassment in His Office

Guy Benson at Town Hall considers the question 99 Days Out: Should Trump Supporters Be Optimistic or Pessimistic? "Given the head-spinning events of the last month or so, making confident predictions seems rather foolish." From Twitchy, Fake News! WSJ CUTS Last Two Seconds of Trump Speech Video Clip and that Changed Everything. WSJ, Iran Is Working to Undercut Trump in Presidential Election, U.S. Spy Agencies Say. "Tehran’s preference is rooted in concerns about a Trump presidency fanning tensions with U.S.." ALX@alx sees "Election Interference by Meta’s “Independent Fact Checkers” The entire “Fact Checking” program at Facebook and Instagram needs to be dissolved." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, Da Tech Guy says Just Remember the Same People Who Will Be Deciding in Court if Election2024 is on the Up and Up… "…are the ones who are dropping charges against terrorist sympathizers in DC while imprisoning people for praying in front of abortion clinics. Oh and they’ll be backed up by the same press that are re-writing history to protect Kamala Harris & reporting the events in DC as “mostly peaceful”." Dave Strom finds Smurfing At Work
RedState's Levon Satamian reports a  Fox News Host Tries to Corner Vance About Viral Past Comment, He Proves Why He's the Right Choice for VP. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24,  Insty, at his Substack, on J.D. Vance, the New York Times, and Decency.

They still fear him, from Radar, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Presidential Campaign Set to Be Derailed by 'Explosive Investigation': ‘Washington Post’ Said to be Preparing Publication of Bombshell Exposé. Capt. Ed, Radar says that the story had already been discussed in this Vanity Fair piece. If it's the "sex diary," that story's been around for almost a decade. 

Matt Margolis at PJM hears Bongino Claims That Trump Assassination Bombshells Are Coming Soon. “I've got from as close a source as you're gonna get to this, okay?" he said before going into detail about what he found out. "The reason they waited and hesitated was because they were unsure if that was in fact the locals who were supposed to have that post. Apparently, they waited for the muzzle flash, which is an unbelievable lapse in security, before they realized 'That's not us.'” Ace, Secret Service Knew About Trump Shooter a Full 100 Minutes Before the Shooting, "Trust the experts, ignorant peons." NYPo, Thomas Crooks used fake name to gear up with dozens of purchases from gun stores a year before Trump assassination attempt. Sundance is not impressed when Speaker Johnson Appoints “Top Men” to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt.  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, Twitchy, Speaker Mike Johnson BLASTED for Choices for Trump Assassination Task Force. "The big question on everyone's minds — where the hell weren't former Navy SEALs Cory Mills and Eli Crane put on the task force?" and Mike LaChance at LI reports an Academic Poll Finds More Than 70% of ‘Hard-Line Lefties’ Wish Trump Assassination Attempt Succeeded.NewsMax, Trump Agrees to FBI Interview on Assassination Attempt. He should, of course, but he needs a (good) lawyer present, and for the interview to be recorded. Larry at Hat Hair, among other things wonders Are Tech Overlords Erasing Trump's Assassination From the Internet?

mrcTV, Charges Dropped Against D.C. Rioters Who Assaulted Cops & Vandalized Property, of course. The left gets away with a new J6 every day. 

Eric Lendrum at AmGreat, Official Olympics YouTube Channel Removes Videos of Opening Ceremony Due to Backlash. Metro.UK, Mystery as Olympics opening ceremony video disappears from official account. And they're issuing takedown notices to people who kept it and used it. Timcast on YouTube, Olympics APOLOGIZES For Insulting Christians By MOCKING Last Supper, Ceremony SLAMMED As SATANIC. Capt. Ed cites Bishop Barron: 'Apology' by Paris Olympics a 'Masterpiece of Woke Duplicity'. At OutKick, Athletes Disqualified From World Championships For ‘XY Chromosomes’ Will Compete In Olympic Women's Boxing. "While neither boxer has explicitly identified as transgender, it is suspected that both are impacted by a Difference of Sexual Development (DSD) — meaning they have both male and female genitalia — according to Reduxx." 

At CJ, Heather Mac Donald is concerned with Girling the Boy Scouts, "Progressives notch another victory in their war on American institutions." "Does it matter, then, that the Boy Scouts of America has now extirpated the last use of “boy” found in its entire portfolio—the “boy” in “Boy Scouts of America,” the name of the parent organization? It does. That the Boy Scouts cannot tolerate even an atavistic use of “boy” reveals how powerful the impulse is to efface males from our culture. The transformation of the Boy Scouts of America into Scouting America is an object lesson in the incapacity of traditional institutions to withstand progressive takeover." Capt. Ed, "When people complain about the state of modern masculinity, do they even consider the dismantling of such positive influences as Boy Scouts for formation? And what did that leave for formation for boys and young men? Pop culture?"

The Wombat has  FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

A Tuesday Tune - Sick Like Me


Maria Brink (born December 18, 1977) is an American singer and songwriter, best known as the frontwoman of the metal band In This Moment. The band has gone on to release seven studio albums and receive four nominations, two from Alternative Press Music Awards, one from Grammy Awards, and one from Loudwire Music Awards.

Brink has been awarded "Rock Goddess of the Year" in the third (2013) and fifth (2015) Annual Loudwire Music Awards, "Hottest Chick in Metal" in 2010, one of eleven women in heavy metal who matter by Yell! Magazine in 2012, and was recognized by Revolver Magazine as one of the "25 Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock & Metal".


Brink was born on December 18, 1977, in Schenectady, New York; her father left the family when she was young. She was moved around to various parts of Schenectady including low income housing because the family had little money. Brink's mother introduced her to bands and artists such as Black Sabbath, Patti Smith, and the Rolling Stones. Brink became interested in performing at the age of 5. 

The first band Brink was ever in was an Albany-based band called Pulse, before moving to California. In 2002, when she was 25, she moved to Los Angeles to find a band to work with. Before finding a band, she worked in stores, and sang in coffee shops and bars. In 2004, she met now-band member Chris Howorth at an audition.  At first, Howorth rejected Brink for being a woman.  Two weeks later, Howorth apologized and hired Brink as the singer. They formed the band Dying Star with drummer Jeff Fabb. They were later joined by guitarist Blake Bunzel and bassist Josh Newell. Soon after, the band changed their name to In This Moment. 

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Redheads – Threat or Menace? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.