Saturday, September 30, 2023

Fox-Dog Hybrid Found in Brazil

Better Planet, Shelter Rescues Injured Animal—Turns Out To Be World's First Dog-Fox Hybrid

The jaw-dropping discovery began in 2021 when an animal rescue team was dispatched to reports of an injured animal in Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul. A hit-and-run incident had left the creature severely injured and the Environmental Patrol transferred it to the veterinary hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). From the hospital, the animal went to the Center for Conservation and Rehabilitation of Wild Animals.

"For us biologists and veterinarians, it is normal to look at all animals differently. We're trained to look for what's common and what's different when we look at an animal. And that's what happened," researcher Cristina Araujo Matzenbacher told Newsweek. "She had eyes resembling a domestic dog, and long ears resembling a pampas fox, although she had a dark coat and barked like a dog."
When the animal didn't accept food usually offered to dogs, she was given small rats which she accepted. "Another behavior of the pampas fox was observed when she climbed the bush that was in the environment where she was kept," said Matzenbacher.

This was when the veterinarian caring for the animal, Flavia Ferrari, contacted the professor of the genetics department at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPEL) Thales Renato Ochotorena de Freitas. It was then that the dogxim was transferred to the academics.

A paper published in August 2023 revealed the discovery of the dog-fox hybrid. First the team employed cytogenetics and genetics techniques to delve deeper into the case of the unusual animal. This helped them determine the number of chromosomes in the animal's cells, which turned out to be 76, revealing a significant clue in the investigation.

"In Rio Grande do Sul, only the Chrysocyon brachyurus has 76 chromosomes, however, this species is very different in the phenotype when compared with the dogxim," Rafael Kretschmer told Newsweek. Pampas foxes typically have 74 chromosomes, while domestic dogs have 78. During reproduction, offspring inherit half of their chromosomes from each parent. For dogs, this means they contribute 39 chromosomes to their offspring, whereas pampas foxes contribute 37. The combination of gametes from a dog and a pampas fox results in a total of 76 chromosomes—matching the chromosome count found in the dogxim.
To further bolster their findings, the scientists turned their attention to mitochondrial DNA, a type of genetic material inherited exclusively from the mother. This analysis conclusively revealed that the dogxim's mother was a pampas fox. In the nuclear DNA, they discovered a mix of genetic material from both domestic dogs and pampas foxes, providing further confirmation of the presence of hybridization in this extraordinary creature.
. . .
The dogxim in question fully recovered from the hit-and-run incident, but after being transferred to the care of another facility, the dogxim died around six months ago.

"So far, we do not know the cause of death of the dogxim. We would very much like to know what happened," Matzenbacher said.

It looks cute, but I bet it would make a terrible pet, unless you had a rat problem. 

Fat Cat Sets Delaware Record

Delaware Angler Catches State Record Blue Catfish from Nanticoke River

Delaware has a new blue catfish record, according to a press release the state's Division of Fish and Wildlife published on Tuesday. Angler Chris Andrews holds the record after catching the large fish from the Nanticoke River, which runs into the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay.

Andrews and his night-fishing buddies were enjoying a peaceful summer trip on the Nanticoke when the big cat took his bait.

“I knew it was a big one, just not how big,” the Bridgeville angler told “I got the fish up and close to the boat multiple times, but it would just take off pulling my drag. I had a smaller net than usual, so it took multiple tries [to boat]. After about a five-minute fight, the fish was landed.”

The crew then took Andrews’ blue cat to nearby Taylored Tackle Shop in Seaford, Delaware. State wildlife officer Sgt. Nathan Evans certified the 48-pound, 7.2-ounce catch.

Andrews’ catfish beats the previous record-holder by just 4 ounces. That blue cat was caught Oct. 8, 2022 by angler James Lord. Lord’s blue cat measured 40.5 inches long, with a 30-inch girth. Lord also caught his fish from the Nanticoke River, using a hand-size live bluegill as bait.
. . .
The IGFA all-tackle world record blue cat weighed 143 pounds, caught from Kerr Lake in Virginia in June 2011 by angler Richard Anderson. He was using a chunk of chicken for bait at the time.

 That's a big pile of catfish fritters.

Flotsam and Jetsam - DiFi Dies, RFK Jr. May Run Indie, Trump Sues Steele for Slander

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.29.23 (Evening Edition), EBL: Dianne Feinstein, RIP. From Da Fetched, BREAKING: Sen Dianne Feinstein Passes away at the age of 90. Well, she died with her boots on, so to speak. And other than hiring the Chinese spy to drive her around, there have been worse Senators, many of them in fact. This will, of course, touch of war of succession in California, at Breitbart, Gavin Newsom in 2021 Committed to Appointing Black Woman to Feinstein’s Seat, with Reps. Barbara Lee, Katie Porter, and Adam Schiff all vying for the seat. Until Gavin appoints a Senator, the Senate will be in balance 50:49 with Kamala only being able to provide the tying vote. Just in time for the shutdown!

In news from the Biden Crime syndicate, The Latest Hunter Biden Document Dump Is Littered With Bombshells. Here Are the Biggest. "Feds eyed sex trafficking charges against Hunter Biden." Da Fed John Davidson, from the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.29.23 (Evening Edition), says Yes, The Biden Impeachment Hearing Presented Evidence Of Corruption — Lots Of It. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair snarks "I don’t call it the Protection Racket Media for nothing. As Newsbusters pointed out in its video compilation (linked here earlier), their ‘reporters’ did nothing but repeat Democrat talking points dismissing the already-extant evidence. It was amusing to see how many of them suddenly added “scintilla” to their vocabularies."  Also at da Fed, Elle Purnell pens Hunter Biden Email Discussing $5 Million Payment From Burisma Corroborates FD-1023. From Breitbart, James Biden Confirmed to FBI Family Tried to Help CEFC China Energy Co. Buy U.S. Energy Assets. WSJ, cited at Hat Hair, How Biden Inc profited off the family name. Capt. Ed, "I don’t think anyone disputes the fact that Hunter, James, and Frank all profited off of Joe Biden’s status in Washington. That’s not illegal in and of itself. The real questions are whether Joe abused his office to provide favors to their clients, and even more whether Joe financially benefited from those influence-peddling operations." NewsBusters, ABC, CBS, NBC Uniformly Paint First House Impeachment Hearing as Unfounded Piffle. Matt Margolis at PJM, No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Joe Biden? How About This? At NYPo, Jonathan Turley gives 10 reasons why it is worth investigating Joe Biden. Also from Turley, Tale of Two Scandals: The Striking Similarities in the Menendez and Biden Cases. I&I,  Biden, Menendez, And Michelle: Birds Of A Bribery Feather. At Ace's, James Comer: I Am Subpoenaing the Bank Records of Hunter Biden and James Biden. "Outstanding. You may wonder: Why not subpoena Joe Biden's bank records, too? Well, I think he's building to that. He will surely find a lot of dodgy money transfers in Hunter's and James's records which might be to Joe Biden."

VodkaPundit, at Insty, NEVER UNDERESTIMATE JOE’S ABILITY TO F*** THINGS UP: America’s emergency oil reserve is at a 40-year low — and that could inflate oil prices, Goldman Sachs says. "America’s emergency oil stockpile has plunged to 40-year lows. The shrinking Strategic Petroleum Reserve is limiting Washington’s ability to shield consumers from the fallout of Saudi Arabia’s aggressive supply cuts, according to Goldman Sachs. . . . Previously: Well, Biden Screwed Us Forever on Another Damn Thing. “The SPR is probably never going to be refilled, according to one expert, and maybe not even for the reason that first popped into your mind.”" At Da Pipeline, Biden's Continuing War on Energy Independence. From Da Caller, Hawley Unloads On Biden Official For ‘Shutting Down Critical Mineral Production’ In The US. Warren Beatty on Dealing with Consequences. Da Caller reports Dems Are Begging White House To Stop Using The Word ‘Bidenomics’. Nick Arama at Red State says Biden Thinks He's Going to Tag the GOP for Gov't Shutdown, but CNN Has a Big Surprise for Him. RNC Research@RNCResearch "CNN: "Who would you mainly blame for a government shutdown? Actually, the plurality blame Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress."" At Hat Hair, John Sext reads the NY Times as it discusses concerns about Joe Biden: 'He seems super old', and he ain't getting any younger, that's for sure.  Insty, AT THIS POINT, I’LL ONLY BELIEVE THEM IF THERE ARE HONORABLE SUICIDES: wretchardthecat@wretchardthecat "If the establishment is sensing impending disaster on all fronts; that revelations they've concealed so far are going to break, perhaps the prepared narrative for 2024 is the story a penitent, born-again Dem party vs an unrepentant, dirty DJT -- if you'll buy it.:

At Mediaite, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Planning to Announce Independent Run. Ben Bartee at PJM, RFK Jr. to Run as an Independent. Ace, Breaking: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Reportedly About to Announce Run as an Independent Third-Party Candidate "The Democrat Party is treating him badly so he's donezo." This might well be a death knell to Biden's second term hopes. Jr may well draw some Republicans, but they would be mostly Never-Trumpers, so it would be no great loss. Wouldn't it be wonderful if Cornell West came in on the second slot?

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.29.23 (Afternoon Edition), EBL If no one watched the GOP Debate ?  The Free Bacon calls it A Dud Debate. Hat Hair's KT reports The ratings are in for the RNC debate - most watched program on cable tv Wednesday. To be fair, there isn't a lot on. Tom Jackson at Hat Hair VIP thinks Facts benefit center-stage DeSantis; debate-ducking Trump, not so much. Jude Russo at Am Con, Will We Never Be Free? "Another round of tedious GOP ritual combat shouldn’t distract from where the real action is happening."

Rachel Alexander at Front Page wonders  What If We Excused Other Crimes the Way We Do Election Fraud? "If a cashier came up 26 times with less money in their till than expected, what would happen to them?" Shawn Fleetwood at Da Fed reports a Lawsuit: Democrats’ Election-Takeover Ballot Amendments Violate The Michigan And U.S. Constitutions. At Da Wire, Watchdog Says Democrats Illegally Paid Foreign National For Campaign Work. "Arizona-based firm run by foreign national has been paid nearly $1 million for political work in recent years." Terrance Kible at LI reports Appellate Judges Scoff at Each Other After Court Declines New Challenge to Florida Voting Integrity Law
"Judges supporting the denial called the dissenters’ claims “meritless” and “histrionic.” The dissenters fired back, arguing the denial “hamper[ed] the ability of voters to seek the protections promised them by our Constitution.”" Hayden Ludwig at Am Great sees ‘High Election Worker Turnover’ is the Left’s Newest Ploy to Federalize Elections. "Democrats rely on activist groups like Issue One to make the case for conquering local election offices - here’s the real story." Althouse shows Ron DeSantis tells Bill Maher "don't act like" it was a "unique thing" to say that the election was stolen... "... and gets applause from the "Real Time" audience."

ABC is pleased to report Trump co-defendant takes plea deal, agrees to testify in Georgia election case. "The plea deal, by defendant Scott Hall, is the first in the case. . . . Hall, a Georgia bail bondsman, was charged in relation to the alleged breach of voting machine equipment in the wake of the 2020 election in Coffee County, Georgia." Capt. Ed, "That’s the piece of the indictment that’s likely the farthest away from Trump. However, one does have to wonder what Hall will give prosecutors in exchange for a plea deal and presumably some leniency." At Twitchy, WATCH: Trump says the MF-bomb and people lose their minds (LANGUAGE WARNING), "We are not sure about the overall context, but, in the clip, Trump is basically saying that Joe Biden had him indicted because he knew Trump could beat him, saying that they were thinking ‘indict the M—F—r!’" Breitbart reports  Georgia Senate GOP Caucus Ousts Senator for Trying to Remove Fani Willis from Office. A political trial deserves a political response. 

NYPo reports Trump suing ex-British spy Christopher Steele in UK over ‘pee tape’ dossier. Capt. Ed comments "British laws on defamation and libel/slander are much better for plaintiffs than in the US, which is no doubt why Trump chose the UK as his venue. Will he sue Hillary Clinton, the person who largely funded Steele’s effort?" I hope so. TNP, Trump Is Suing British Spy Christopher Steele Over Fake Russia Dossier. PJM's Ben Bartee reports Trump Accuses MSNBC Owner Comcast of ‘Treason,’ Calls for It to Be Investigated. That might be a little hyperbolic. At Fox, Florida man charged in Jan. 6 riot slams 'double standards' as ex-prosecutor makes bail in road rage stabbing. "Former Assistant US Attorney Patrick Scruggs accused of stabbing Florida driver on Tampa bridge."

Leslie Eastman at LI reports Science Canceled: Anthropologists Prevented from Giving ‘Importance of Biological Sex’ Talk at Conference. "American and Canadian anthropological associations assert that using terms male & female will “imperil the safety of the LGBTQI community.”  From the College Fix, Anthropology groups cancel all-female panel defending biological sex as ‘necessary category’. I thought the harder sciences would be relatively immune. Heather McDonald at CJ, But Johnny Can’t Spell G-A-Y "With large majorities of their students incompetent in English and math, Los Angeles schools are ramping up efforts—for more gay pride and gender indoctrination." Bacon's Rebellion looks at The Transgender Contagion. Jane Coleman at LI reports Missouri AG Sues School Board Over Secret Transgender Bathroom Policy Meetings. "School Board Member: “Quite frankly, it’s not the parents’ damn business” to know about the policy." Stacy Manning at Da Fed was horrified when Our Public School Put A Man With Fake Breasts In Our 10-Year-Old’s Classroom. mrc-TV reports HHS Will Remove LGBTQ Foster Kids From Homes That Don’t Affirm Their Delusions. Da Caller would like you to Meet The Dem Lawmaker At The Center Of California’s War On Parental Rights. At Am Think, Olivia Murray thinks about the ‘Kink’ festival with the most obscene acts imaginable lauded (and attended) by California’s most notorious lawmaker. Ace, Hawaiian Judges Block Anti-Castration/Mastectomy Bill From Taking Effect, and Claim That the First Amendment Demands that Children Be Exposed to Raunchy Drag-Queen Shows Featuring Simulated Anal Sex, "This must be a new and improved constitution I wasn't aware of." Beege Welborn at Hat Hair says Call a waahmbulance: 6th Circuit UPHOLDS TN & KY anti-child gender mutilation laws. Aubrey Glick at Am Spec cited at Hat Hair, If your pronouns are Xe/Xem, colleges want you. Rebeka Zeljko at Da Fed, Victoria’s Secret’s ‘Diversity’ Rebrand Is Unrecognizable And Out Of Touch. From Front Page, PragerU Video: Sex is Binary. "Confronting the anti-science claims of gender ideology." De Fed's Shawn Fleetwood reports 18 House Republicans Help Democrats Kill Amendment Defunding Pentagon ‘Pride Month’ Parties.

Eileen F. Toplansky at Am Think thinks about The Death of the Library
As the Marxists ram their equity ideas into all institutions, libraries are a critical target. Consequently, "progressives and leftists must put public libraries at the top of [their] organizing agendas." To that end, they will offer resources to essentially transform libraries into indoctrination centers instead of places of learning.

The president of the American Library Association, Emily Drabinski, is a "self-described Marxist lesbian who openly posts 'in support of sexually exposing children, union-led political strife, socialist politicians, and libraries pushing explicit and far-left material on unwilling taxpayers.' In one 2021 lecture ... she stated that 'queerness includes the subversion of those kinds of normal family types' meaning husbands, wives, and children."
At Da Wire, In His Criminal Trial, Former Loudoun County Superintendent Blames Sex Assault Victims, "Facing sexual assault 30-40 times a day, administrators told teacher to put a piece of cardboard in front of her groin — and fired her after she spoke to government investigators." Capt. Ed, "Ziegler has another trial coming up on charges related to another part of the cover-up. Let’s hope the judge makes an example of Ziegler and forces him to do some time in jail, although it probably would’t be for long."

Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. 

Rule 5 Saturday - Emily Elizabeth

Glamor Path: Meet Emily Elizabeth - Swimwear Model From Fashion Nova & Boutine
Emily Elizabeth is a swimwear model while she has done modeling for significant clothing brands like Fashion Nova, Ignite, and Boutine. She is the influencer of Fashion Nova and for an energy drink Rockstar Energy.   Elizabeth has toured many countries but her favorite place in the world is Disney Land. Here are some facts about 

Emily Elizabeth loves the summer season than winter. As we can see through her Instagram she has mostly posted a picture of her enjoying the summer season by going to the beach, pool site, and eating watermelons. She has posted on her Instagram by captioning "I miss summer".

Linked at Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Meanwhile In The Kitchen and FMJRA 2.0: I Was Dreaming I Was Awake up on time and under budget at The Other McCain. Linked at the Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Beach Report 9/29/23

A cool, overcast day. Skye is feeling pretty good apparently, so I invited her along, since I was pretty sure the tide was too high and the waves too wet to get past the rocks  up to Matoaka. Georgia stayed home to collect a package. 
We've have tides consistently above astronomical ever since TD Ophelia. That, combined with a lot of temporary beach erosion, has the beach significantly narrower. Today was lousy day for shark's teeth, only 2, and one was a shamer, just the root from from a mid sized lower Snaggletooth.
This juvenile seagull appears to have significantly overestimated the width of its throat, or underestimated the size of the Menhaden. I'm a little surprised; I've seen gulls cram down some enormous fish or pieces of fish carcasses. 

Maryland, My Maryland

Bearing Arms, Federal judge issues partial injunction ahead of Maryland's new carry restrictions taking effect

Maryland’s “can’t carry anywhere” legislation will take effect on Sunday, but a federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction barring enforcement in at least some of the state’s new “gun-free zones.” U.S. District Judge George L. Russell III, appointed to the bench by Barack Obama in 2012, split the baby in his decision; allowing Maryland’s prohibitions on lawful carrying to remain in effect as they apply to museums, health care facilities, state parks and state forests, mass transit facilities, school grounds, government buildings, stadiums, racetracks, amusement parks, and casinos while granting an injunction against enforcement of the new law when it comes to establishments in which alcohol is served, public demonstrations, and (perhaps most importantly) all private property that is not specifically posted to allow concealed carry.

Even in granting the partial injunction, Russell couldn’t help but gripe about the Bruen decision, noting that under a means-end test he would have likely upheld the prohibition against carrying at or near public demonstrations.
The Court notes that it is obligated to question the constitutionality of Maryland’s restriction on carrying at public demonstrations because of Bruen’s narrow historical framework. If the Court were permitted to apply intermediate or even strict scrutiny to public demonstration restriction, the law would almost certainly pass constitutional muster, because it does not categorically ban all firearms at public demonstrations. Rather, it prohibits guns only in a narrow set of circumstances designed to promote public safety while preserving the right to bear arms. Even so, the Supreme Court has rejected this means-ends analysis, and this Court must conclude Kipke Plaintiffs are likely to succeed in their challenge of the public demonstration restriction.
Russell used a “more nuanced approach” (his words, not mine) to rule in favor of the state of Maryland on the constitutionality of several newly-created “gun free zones”, including the ban on public transportation. Though the plaintiffs rightfully pointed out that there are no historical analogues at either the time the Second or Fourteenth Amendments were ratified, Russell contends that public transportation networks barely existed during those time periods, allowing him to look beyond those specific settings for similar restrictions.
This approach indicates that mass transit facilities are sensitive places because they are analogous to both schools and government buildings. Like schools, mass transit facilities are crowded spaces that serve vulnerable populations like children and disabled people. Additionally, some mass transit facilities, such as bus, train, or subway stations, could also be categorized as government buildings, which are established sensitive places. The Court also notes that in providing transportation services, Maryland is a market participant, and thus it may have the ability to exclude firearms on its property, just as a private entity engaged in transportation services could.

As explained above, the Supreme Court has not provided guidance on the State’s powers as a proprietor or property owner in the context of the Second Amendment, and thus the Court relies on the identification of mass transit facilities as sensitive places in its determination that Plaintiffs are unlikely to succeed in their challenge of Maryland’s mass transit ban.
The problem with Russell’s conclusion is that, while the Supreme Court has indeed broadly included “government buildings” as places where guns can be banned, it has also clearly stated that the right to bear arms in public is protected by the Second Amendment. Barring users of public transportation from lawfully bringing their guns with them on a train or bus utterly obliterates that right. They might be able to carry until they get to the bus stop and after they exit the bus, but if they can’t also carry while they’re using public transportation then their right has been completely negated. If you’re lucky enough (or wealthy enough) to afford private transportation your right to carry from Point A to Point B is largely unfettered, but if you depend on public transportation to get around your rights have been rendered null and void.

One unexpected twist in Russell’s order is that he did not grant an immediate stay allowing the law to be enforced while the state appeals his decision. That means that unless the Fourth Circuit acts with unusual alacrity, the “gun-free zones” enjoined by Russell’s order will remain open to concealed carry holders even after the new carry law takes effect on Sunday.

Outside the major cities, public transportation is not a significant form of travel here. If it prevents Baltimorons and Monkey Countians from using the bus, too bad.

Otherwise, a useful reminder that we, too, vote poorly. 

Forget It Jake, It's Baltimore

John Sexton at Hat Hair, Baltimore murder suspect has been arrested but the police made some poor decisions

Yesterday I wrote about this case in which a 26-year-old CEO, Pava LaPere, was murdered in her own building by a 32-year-old man with a long, violent history. As Ed pointed out in the headlines, Jacob Billingsley was arrested last night, which is good news.

However, reading over some of the news stories today, I really wonder if police aren’t partly to blame for what happened here. It turns out that Billingsley was already wanted for a violent rape which happened on Sep. 19, just three days before the murder of LaPere. But police decided not to inform the public about that crime.
Billingsley was also suspected of raping a woman days before LaPere’s death and was already under police surveillance, authorities said Thursday. Police, however, declined to tell the public about the incident because they believed it was “targeted,” stirring up criticism that LaPere’s death might have been avoided.

In that incident, Billingsley is accused of slitting a woman’s throat and raping her “several times during the night” before tying her up with duct tape and lighting her on fire, court documents show. Billingsley is also alleged to have handcuffed the woman’s boyfriend and set him ablaze.

The woman told authorities she heard a loud banging at the door on Sept. 19 by a man who said he worked for the building’s maintenance department. (Billingsley was a maintenance worker in the building.)

The man, who was wearing a mask, then kicked in the front door and pointed a gun at her, documents show.
This was an extremely violent crime along with an attempted murder. Police found Billingsley’s backpack at the scene and he was immediately identified as the suspect because a) he worked there and b) his victims survived. So why didn’t police notify the community? They say it’s because the rape and attempted murder was targeted.
[Acting Police Commissioner Richard] Worley defended the police department’s decision to not publicize its search for Billingsley immediately after the September 19 crimes – which critics say might have helped get him back behind bars before LaPere was killed.

“The first incident on Edmondson Avenue was not a random act. Had it been a random act, we would have put out a flier right away, saying this individual was on the loose, committing random acts,” Worley said.

“We know pretty much why he went into the house on Edmondson Avenue, why he committed those acts. He worked at that building, he was familiar with the victims. I’m not going to say too much more because I don’t want to talk bad about victims. But he was there for a reason,” Worley said.

The acting police chief said investigators had been tracking Billingsley and didn’t want to issue a flier too soon, which could prompt the suspect to flee.
So they were more worried about Billingsley seeing the warning and running than they were about the public getting a warning he was out there. It was only after LaPere’s murder that they changed strategy:
“As soon as we realized he had committed an act that seemed to be random … we put the flier out,” Worley said. “And just as we thought, as soon as he saw the flier, he tried to elude capture and turned off all devices we were able to track him on.”
To be very clear, the first rape happened on the 19th. Billingsley then followed LaPere to her home and convinced her to open the front door for him three days later on the 22nd. But police didn’t know she was dead until Monday the 25th. So it was three days after her murder that they finally changed strategy and came out with the blunt warning that Billingsley would kill and rape again given a chance. That warning might have helped if it had been given right away.

I read about the murder, but I hadn't realized it was Baltimore. Trust the Baltimore PD to screw up the investigation. 

At City Journal, Maurice Richards writes that Baltimore’s Thin Blue Line Is Broken "Nothing kills a police department faster than destruction of officer morale—and in the BPD, morale is dead."

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Impeachment Inquiry Begins

A really big day shew today. From Fox, First Biden impeachment inquiry sees sparks fly between GOP, Dems "House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer held the hearing Thursday, Sep. 28 to weigh evidence for impeaching President Joe Biden." Basic news was that Jonathan Turley said articles of impeachment are not warranted but the impeachment inquiry certainly was, and a forensic accountant testified that the Biden web of shell companies looked like a mob money launder operation.  NRO reports the Scale of Alleged Biden Foreign Influence Peddling Unprecedented in History of D.C. Corruption, Impeachment Witness Testifies   At Da Caller, ‘Listen!’: All Hell Breaks Loose As Dem Motions To Bring Rudy Giuliani Into Impeachment HearingsHouse Investigators Release Trove Of Documents Supporting IRS Whistleblower Testimony and White House Hand-Waves Away Revelation That Chinese Money Was Sent To Biden’s Address. Nick Arama at Red State sees Byron Donalds Go to Town on Dems' 'No Evidence' Line With Receipts During Impeachment Inquiry. Twitchy thinks the Look on Jonathan Turley's face as AOC tries a 'gotcha' during Biden impeachment inquiry is PERFECT -watch. Da Wire has 7 Big Takeaways from Day 1 of Formal Biden Impeachment Inquiry. At PJM Vicky Taft thinks So This Is How the 'Impeach Joe Biden' Inquiry Is Going for the DemocratsBenny Johnson@bennyjohnson, Nancy Pelosi on Impeachment of Joe Biden: “If you have a difference of opinion, you just can’t be impeaching … This is a fake distraction” Nancy Pelosi must’ve been too tipsy to remember she tried to impeach Trump TWICE…" Not even a real distraction? Jordan Boyd at Da Fed notes Trump Impeachment Cheerleaders In Media Do Biden’s Bidding With Blackout On Republicans’ Impeachment Inquiry

 NYPo reports Hunter Biden whines his money is ‘all gone,’ seeks dad’s help in newly revealed texts: ‘Can’t pay alimony’. NewsMax hears Hunter Bemoan Money 'All Gone' in Released Texts. Capt. Ed comments "Long time snorting, or at least one supposes. This relates to allegations of obstruction by IRS whistleblowers, who wanted to interrogate James over the implications of the money flow these and other texts insinuated, but were prevented from doing so by the DoJ." From Ace, Biden's Bagman Brother James Biden Tells FBI That He Was Trying to Get the US Government to Allow the Chinese Company CEFC Gobble Up American Energy Companies... Even Though He Knew the Company was Controlled by Chinese President Xi. Twitchy calls it Treason?! Biden BOMBSHELL thread details energy deal between Biden family and Chinese co. connected to Xi. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.27.23 (Evening Edition), at Da Fed, Evita Duffy-Alfonso reports Explosive Documents Show DOJ Official Prohibited Agents From Mentioning Joe Biden In Warrant and Dave Harsanyi snickers ‘No Evidence’ Of Joe Biden Being Involved In The Family Business Keeps Piling Up. VodkaPundit at PJM staggers under the revelation that the Biden Crime Family 'Earned' $24 MILLION From China, Russia, Ukraine, Others. Ace, Foreign Governments and Gangsters Sent At Least $15 Million to the Biden Family, and the DOJ Obstructed Efforts to Investigate This: Impeachment Chairmen, "Foreign governments weren't just sending millions to the Biden Crime Family to (checks notes) "chat about the weather." ABC whines Comer says he will issue subpoenas 'today' for Hunter Biden, James Biden bank records. NewsMax, WH Calls Biden Payment Revelations 'Conspiracy' Theory. Guy Benson at Town Hall, asks Amid Damning Wire Transfer Revelations, Let's Review What the Bidens Said About Chinese Money

At Am Think, Jim. Swofford thinks Face it -- Hunter Biden is already pardoned, and we're just waiting for the big reveal. At PJM Matt Margolis predicts  Joe Biden Is About to Be Let Off the Hook for Mishandling Classified Docs. Too easy, Matt. At Am Think, Stick a Fork in Biden – He’s Done! From Am Spec, Biden’s Margin of Error Is Gone. Breitbart hears  Actor Dax Shepard Says It's 'Insane' That Joe Biden Is the Country's 'Best Option': It's So Embarrassing'. He isn't.  Front Page thinks Newsom is Measuring the Drapes. At HE, AUSTIN PETERSEN thinks the 'Forever war' in Ukraine could cost Joe Biden the White House in 2024. Hollywood in Toto wonders Will 'Saturday Night Live' (Finally) Roast President Biden?

At Da Caller, ‘A Hit Job On Michigan And On Detroit’: Trump Calls Biden EV Push A ‘Government Assassination’ Of Auto Jobs. mrc-TV hears Buttigieg Say the Quiet Part Out Loud to EV Skeptics: 'It is Coming No Matter What'.  At Hat Hair, Electric bus company that made POTATUS "look good" goes...well...BUSt . Insty,  THEY NEVER GIVE UP: FCC Chair Confirms Plan to Reinstate Net Neutrality Rules Eviscerated Under Trump. At Am Spec, Bidenomics’ Not-So-Invisible Hand of Government Destroys the Economy. At PJM  Kevin Downey notes a 95-Year-Old War Vet Gets the Boot to Make Room for Illegal Immigrants

The reviews keep coming in for the second Republican primary debate (Da Lid). Hat Hair's KT has Some hot takes from the RNC debate. Ace thinks Fox News Again Rigs A GOP Debate, Asking Questions That Leftwing Voters (and Fox "Journalists") Care About But Which Actual Republicans Do Not, "And of course embarrassing GOP candidates with George-Stephanopolous-style "Governor Romeny, would you outlaw birth control pills?" type questions." Sundance at CTH,  The Second ‘First Loser’ Debate Was an Embarrassment to the Legacy of Ronald Reagan, but Modern Republicans Just Don’t Care… Capt. Ed says The biggest loser of last night's debate was ... "Fox Business Channel, with the RNC that arranged it a close runner-up." Town Hall's Matt Vespa thinks The Second GOP Debate Was a Mess...and It Exposed a Glaring Issue Within the Republican Party  "we have no depth on the presidential stage." Da Caller sees Cut Mics, Expensive Curtains, ‘Offensively Stupid’ Questions — GOP Debate Falls Flat. Breitbart called it ‘Unwatchable’: Viewers Blast RNC, Fox for Including Univision in Debate. Also at Breitbart, "Burgum: Wow, that stunk", Doug Burgum Rips Fox/Univision Debate: The American People Lost Tonight. At PJM Paula Bolyard  asks Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway?, Stephen Kruiser claims After 2 GOP Debates, Trump's Sabotage Is Almost Complete and Matt Margolis wonders  Is This The Worst Fact Check From the GOP Debate?From Da Caller, Biden Team Live-Tweets GOP Debate Even As Corporate Media Says He’s Not Paying Attention To It. Althouse notices "And when you have the President of United States sleeping with a member of the teachers union, there is no chance that you could take the stranglehold away from the teachers union every day. " "Said Chris Christie, in last night's GOP debate. Later, from Mike Pence: "I’ve been sleeping with a teacher for 38 years.""

At WaT, Joe Curl goes out on a limb and predicts the  2024 presidential race: Newsom vs. Youngkin. Amber Athey at Da Spec likes The Youngkin blueprint "Can Virginia be a model for Republicans nationwide?" Probably not, but it doesn't hurt. TNP sees Trump’s Hispanic Support Soars. Althouse is amused by "I am Batman." "A new ad for Trump... featuring many celebrities who are made, against their will, to look like they love Trump." Guy Benson, cited at Hat Hair, DeSantis to Trump: Stop hiding behind your keyboard and being MIA. Lincoln Brown at PJM notes Steve Schmidt Finds a New 'Nazi Dog Whistle' for Trump

From Am Spec Emmett Tyrell thinks Bob Kennedy Needs Help "What will happen if another crazed assailant with a gun is successful?" At the Right Scoop wants you to WATCH Fetterman say China shouldn’t own our farm land…… because pandas???

In the Saga of Gold Bar Bob, Chris Bedford at Da Fed says Democrats Ignored Bob Menendez’s Corruption Until He Was No Longer Useful. Da Caller reports Menendez Blocked Stricter Foreign Influence Law Years Before Being Indicted On Bribery Charges. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw, tells about That time Menendez blocked stronger foreign influence peddling rules. And he still got caught. 

Town Hall's 'Becca Downs is curious  about What's Going on in Arizona? Here's Why 4th in Line Had to Step in As 'Acting Governor'. Capt. Ed calls it Today's deep mystery: Why was Arizona's treasurer suddenly Governor For A Day?

From TNP, Far Left Judge Claims Mar-a-Lago Worth $18 Million, Despite Nearby Patch of Trees Selling for $150M. At Da Messenger, even Never-Trumper Andy McCarthy wonders Did a Judge Go Too Far in New York’s Civil Case Against Trump? Capt. Ed, no Trump fan himself, comments  "McCarthy points out that Trump and his team spun the Mar-a-Lago assessment ruling too, failing to note that the use restrictions make it far less valuable than other nearby properties. However, $18 million seems still far too low a valuation, and raises the question as to whether Letitia James and Judge Engoron himself aren’t indulging in the same kind of fraud of which they accuse Trump." Jordan Boyd at Da Fed says N.Y. Judge Cherry-Picks Lowball Mar-a-Lago Appraisal To Find Trump Guilty Of Inflating Property Values. Matt Palumbo at Bongino details Here's Just How Absurd Valuing Mar-a-Lago at $18 Million Is.

NYPo reports Judge Tanya Chutkan will not recuse herself in federal Jan. 6 case against Trump. Sundance is pissed that  Activist DC District Judge Tanya Chutkan Refuses to Step Down from Trump Case in Washington DC. Atop Da Hill, Trump won’t try to move Georgia charges to federal court “This decision is based on his well-founded confidence that this Honorable Court intends to fully completely protect his constitutional right to a fair trial and guarantee him due process of law throughout the prosecution of his case in the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia.”

An irate Ace, Madison Cornbread (Government Name: Cassidy Hutchinson) Denies She Dated Matt Gaetz; But Daily Caller Reveals an Intimate Pic That Suggests Otherwise. "Do you like that headline? It's what I call "search-optimized." Those of you who are hoping to see Madison Corbread's cornfed snizz are going to be disappointed." At TNP, Witness Ridicules Cassidy Hutchinson Book Claims – ‘I’m Not a Mormon’.

From HE, Info Wars journalist Owen Shroyer will report to federal prison by October 24 "Shroyer reported that the government sentencing memo was in fact 90 percent comprised of quotes not having to do with January 6 but rather statements he had made on his talk show and Info Wars." at Da Fed John Davidson thinks Democrats Have Become The Party Of Authoritarianism. They Only Understand Power  and Tristan Justice finds a J6 Prosecutor Charged In Road Rage Stabbing Incident. Will he get more time than Shroyer? 

The divine Ms. Devine from NYPo notes Pro-Joe Biden bias is algorithm-deep: Google’s search-&-destroy agenda. From PM, Elon Musk fires X ‘election integrity’ team for undermining election integrity ""Oh you mean the 'Election Integrity' Team that was undermining election integrity? Yeah, they’re gone."

I&I has a poll, 28% Of Americans ‘Not Confident’ That 2024 Vote Will Be Fair And Accurate. Da Fed's Shawn Fleetwood reports West Virginia’s Top Election Official Demands Congress Give DHS An Ultimatum: Fire 2020 Election Meddlers Or No Funding.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: I Was Dreaming I Was Awake up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.

Fish Pic Friday - Allie Beth Tolliver

Allie Beth Tolliver@allibethtolliver ๐Ÿ“where the wild things are ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ’Œ:

With a wide variety of fish.

Linked at The Right Way in the weekly Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Meanwhile In The Kitchen up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Oregon, My Oregon

 At PM,  Trans-identified male violently beats female student in Oregon middle school: video

A young female student was violently beaten by a trans-identified male in the hallway of an Oregon public school.

The shocking incident reportedly occurred at Hazelbrook Middle School in the Tualatin School District, which is right outside of Portland, Oregon.

The brutal beatdown captured on video shows the trans-identified student, a biological male, throwing multiple blows to the female student's head after he violently grabbed her hair, yanked her back and forth, then knocked her down flat in the school hallway.

He viscously grabbed the girl by the hair, dragging her across the ground before violently assaulting her further.
To be fair, as beatings go, it was kind of girlish.

Flotsam and Jetsam - Hunter Declared Family Name as Only Asset

Stacy McCain asks Still ‘No Evidence’ of Biden Corruption? "Gonna be kind of hard for Democrats to spin this one: Hunter Biden received wires that originated in Beijing for more than $250,000 from Chinese business partners during the summer of 2019 — wires that listed the Delaware home of Joe Biden as the beneficiary address for the funds, Fox News Digital has learned from a congressional committee." I'm fairly sure that at this point, Democrats won't accept any evidence short of a full, on air, confession, and then they would add "But Trump!" Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair wonders Is this the "smoking gun" of Biden's Chinese cash-for-influence deals? James Lynch at Da Caller, Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Associates Put Joe Biden’s Address On Two Payments, House Oversight Finds. John Sexton at Hat Hair adds Newly revealed Hunter Biden message describes 'family's brand' as his 'only asset'. But, boy, did he ever sell it. Breitbart reports Report: House Panel to Vote on Releasing Further Relevant Hunter Biden Info. "The committee must vote on whether to release the information because of taxpayer secrecy laws. While it is unknown what specific information could be voted on, Politico reported the information has to do with IRS whistleblower disclosures."

At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.26.23, Twitchy:  Bidenomics Blunder – Poll Shows GOP Has 21-point Edge On Economy. Dave Middleton at WUWT rejoices Judge Blocks Biden’s Unlawful Lease Sale Restriction. At Hat Hair Jazz Shaw is astonished by Biden's Pentagon: Yes, our official was an Iranian envoy. What of it? Hat Hair's KT puns We need to talk about Commander because the situation is ruff

On Da Summit Paul Watson thinks  Biden Is In Big Trouble "RFK could hand Trump victory."

The Peacock, Sen. Bob Menendez pleads not guilty to pocketing bribes in a wide-ranging corruption case. Da Caller reports Bob Menendez Pleads Not Guilty To Bribery Charges. Of course he does, he got off last time with a hung jury. The Dersh objects to the DOJ publicizing the evidence like they did with Mar-a-Lago, Equal Injustice: Menendez Indictment Does Not Prove Equal Justice "In both the Menendez and Trump cases, prosecutors are engaging in the questionable tactic of seeking to influence the jury before trial. The photographic display of gold bars and cash in the Menendez case is an image that will remain with everyone who saw it. The same is true of the contrived photographic display by the Justice Department of allegedly classified documents spread on the floor." Good point. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair hears Durbin to Menendez, finally: Get out. At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.27.23 (Morning Edition), EBL says Well, someone has to be the Democrat Party scapegoat. Insty notes MATT GAETZ DELIVERS THE LINE OF ALL TIME ON DEMS’ DEDICATION TO WASTING OUR MONEY: “‘We are devaluing American money so rapidly that in America today, you can’t even bribe Democrat Senators with cash alone! You need to bring gold bars to get the job done, just so that the bribes hold value!’ Gaetz declared.”

So  Republicans had another debate last night, and, following long standing policy, I didn't watch, but the reviews suck. Liz Mair has Some brief thoughts about Ron DeSantis before tonight's debate "This post could be 20x as long as it will be. More later. . . . Does DeSantis need to start attacking Trump more? Kind of. " At Town Hall, 'Becca Downs was taken by Nikki Haley Smacks Down Vivek Ramaswami in Debate: 'Every Time I Hear You I Feel a Little Bit Dumber.' 'Bonchie' at Red State wants you to WATCH Ron DeSantis Absolutely Destroys Univision Debate Moderator for Pushing Kamala Harris Hoax. Althouse shares the NYT's opinion, "The meandering and at times indecipherable debate seemed to validate former President Donald J. Trump’s decision to skip it." and the Da Beast Everybody's talking about Doug Burgum ""If there was one constant on Wednesday night, it was that the Fox News anchor did not want to hear from the North Dakota governor"   and has plenty of commenters comments in The woods at 6:10 p.m.

At Da Fed, the unsinkable Mollie Hemingway says If Larry Hogan And Chris Christie Care About The Country, They Should Run For Senate, Not President. Yep. The Free Bacon reports More Than 3/4 of Republicans in Early States Considering Candidates Other Than Trump: Poll. Capt. Ed comments "It’s one poll, so don’t take too much from it, except as a reminder than polls don’t tell us too much this far out from the actual primaries and caucuses. We probably won’t see reliably predictive polling until after Thanksgiving, and a lot can happen between now and then." At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.27.23 (Morning Edition), from Twitchy, WTF Republicans? Pew poll examines ending the Electoral College with some shocking findings, John Gramlich@johngramlich, "NEW: 65% of Americans, including nearly half of Republicans, favor doing away with the current Electoral College system so the candidate who wins the popular vote wins the presidency."

Herr Professor Jacobsen at LI reports Dems Likely To Pick Up Second Alabama Congressional Seat As SCOTUS Refuses To Stop New Map Selection, "So the three-judge panel will pick a map, and Democrats likely will pick up a seat." At CJ a look at Voter Suppression, New York Style. "Few states make it harder to participate in primary elections, which frequently determine the eventual winner." At Da Caller, Wife Of Dem Senator Who Called For Clarence Thomas To Resign Made Up To $1.75 Million From Stock Sales, Disclosure Shows, Dan Nang Dick  Blumenthal.

Twitchy delivers today political mystery, BREAKING: Why has Katie Hobbs ceased being governor of Arizona until tomorrow morning? It could be something big, or something trivial. Stay tuned.

NYPo casting aspersions on the Judge who judged Trump committed fraud in the real estate case, Real estate insiders bewildered by judge’s $18M valuation of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: ‘Would list at $300M.’ "To put it in perspective, a 2-acre wooded lot at 1980 S. Ocean Blvd., just 5 minutes from Mar-a-Lago, is currently listed for $150 million. Mar-a-Lago, situated at 1100 S. Ocean Blvd., dwarfs this lot tenfold and operates as a commercial business with around 500 members as part of the golf club."

At Twitchy, Pillow talk screenshot with Matt Gaetz seems to prove Cassidy Hutchinson lied ... AGAIN. Not quite revenge porn, but he certainly has the receipts. At Althouse, "From my perspective, the approach of the Democratic Party—and not just the Party itself, the rank-and-file Democrats and liberals—has been a singular mission to destroy Donald Trump..." "... as though that will solve all problems. So when I see these indictments, whether all of them are correct or not, fair or not, I think the entire mind-set is, We are going to jail this man and destroy this man, and that will solve our problem.... Said Peter Daou, quoted in "Peter Daou’s Theory of Election Interference—by Democrats/The former Clinton aide, now running the third-party Presidential campaign of Cornel West, on his recent political awakening" (The New Yorker)."

Matt Taibbi and friend, Forget Collusion. Was "Interference" Also Fake News? "Open records investigations suggest the same academic researchers responsible for the infamous Alfa Server hoax were likely also the government's initial source that Russia did the "DNC Hack"" It was all a lie perpetrated by the Clinton campaign.

From Zero Hedge, Fauci Was 'Smuggled' Into CIA Headquarters To "Influence" Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee. Sundance at CTH, Anthony Fauci Had a Secret, “No Record of Entry”, Visit to CIA to Influence Their COVID-19 Origin Decision

At HE, Dave Marcus thinks Free speech advocates should boycott Marriott after they canceled Andy Ngo's event under Antifa threats

Ace cites a UK Study: Puberty Blockers Given to Teens -- Get This -- Worsened Their Mental Illnesses Rather Than Abating Them. "No way, really?!!?:" But Althouse finds "What we are practicing here is not voodoo. I think our justice system will see that there’s enough science to support this, that they will understand that this is appropriate care." "Said nurse practitioner Katherine Mistretta, one of the plaintiffs, quoted in "Montana’s Ban on Transition Care for Minors Is Blocked" (NYT)("A state judge in Montana on Wednesday temporarily blocked a law that would have banned transition care for children under 18 starting on Sunday, while a lawsuit filed by patients and medical professionals proceeds")." At Hat Hair VIP, KT thinks Neil deGrasse Tyson has the exact wrong answer to trans athletes in women's sports. He should stick to astronomy, biology is clearly too complicated for him. Kira Davis, Our School Has a Private Transgender Transition Plan...But There's a Problem, "Parental notification is "optional" but is it really?" Amber Athey at Am Spec, cited at Hat Hair, sees a Trans takeover at Georgetown U. At HE, Berlin promotes children's book on prostitution, illustrated by elementary school students, to familiarize them with sex trade. Das Groomerz. 

CJ details How Red-State Universities Evade DEI Restrictions. "Texas and Florida administrators in particular have devised end-runs around laws curtailing diversity, equity, and inclusion practices."  At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 09.27.23 (Morning Edition), Behind the Black sees Pushback: Federal court rules against ban of Christian student group by San Jose Unified School District.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: I Was Dreaming I Was Awake up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.

A Thursday Tune - Rose


In a packed Oikos Cafรฉ, the Friday night crowd saw further performances from Elena Mylonas and Olivia Wilkes, both vocal coaches.

Elena performed songs by The Cranberries and Dolly Parton, but also her own song ‘Rose’ accompanied by some musicians from Eau da Funk (at the Evening of Creativity events, spontaneous collaboration between the artists is often involved). She started playing guitar at 11 years old in her native Greece, and after attending Birmingham University aged 23 she started teaching as a vocal coach.

Backstage, Elena revealed details about her song writing and approach to performing: “When I was younger, in Greece, for some reason everybody expected me to play only cheerful songs.

“Furthermore, people in the music industry were requiring from me to adhere to certain beauty standards, asking me to appear more sexy or girlish. I felt really uncomfortable with it, especially after the death of my brother about seven years ago.

“I needed to express my grief somehow, and music gave me the perfect opportunity to channel those feelings. I wasn’t fitting in the Greek scene of the time though, so I decided to move to the UK, where there is a long tradition of ballads and a broader variety of music genres.”

Elena regularly performs both original songs and covers with bands in small venues, with her debut album set for release in the coming months.

I wish her luck. It's a tough business. 

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Meanwhile In The Kitchen up on time and under budget at The Other McCain.