Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Beach Report 10/10/17

Another very un-Fall like day here, with temperatures near 80, muggy, and mostly clear skies. The tide was almost dead low when we got there this morning, leaving a lot of exposed beach, and we could walk a lot farther up than usual.
 If only we could train Skye to sniff out fossils instead of more recent, and smellier trash.
 Georgia scored early with this fish spine. I always call them catfish, but I'm not really sure. This might be the longest I've seen here as they break much more easily than teeth.
Probably just a shed. I didn't nudge it to find out.
Georgia scored the biggest tooth of the day bu far with this Mako. She claims to have found it in a footprint. It joined the good specimens on the kitchen window sill after a measure off. All in all, we got 27 teeth, so a pretty good day. Georgia did better by far, despite the handicap of holding the leash.
Some possible weather in the distance?

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