Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Great Moments in Zero Tolerance

The recent Virginia case where a 7 year old was suspended from school (second grade I presume) for pointing a pencil and making gun like sounds has Gator Doug breaking his self-imposed rule against swearing (I have no such rule).
Excuse me for breaking my no “F” Word Rule, but, How in the Blue Hell did Fucking Morons like this ever get jobs working anywhere near children? 

I you hear a loud BANG while reading this, that is just my head exploding from the sheer stupidity of “zero tolerance”

In the latest case of a youth being punished for what used to be considered innocuous child’s play, a second grader at Driver Elementary in Virginia has been suspended for two days for making gun noises while pointing a pencil, WAVY-TV reports.

The boy’s father explained: “When I asked him about it, he said, ‘Well I was being a Marine and the other guy was being a bad guy’…It’s as simple as that.”

Paul Marshall, the father of the suspended 7-year-old Christopher Marshall, is a former Marine.

A spokesperson for Suffolk Public Schools, Bethanne Bradshaw, explained: “A pencil is a weapon when it is pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made.”

NO! It is not a weapon it is a fucking pencil you ignorant fool! A pencil, nothing more! And what is the choice here? The proper choice is to reassure any child “scared” by another kid pointing a pencil by telling them they have nothing to be afraid of because little Billy, or Susan is, say it with me you pathetic hyper-sensitive Liberal tool, PLAYING! Yes, playing, as children do! But do the idiots who run our schools make that choice? Do they use the brain the Good Lord gave them? Of course not. They prefer to punish a child for playing like a normal kid! Again, I want to know who thinks this is anything but child abuse? Yes, it could also be called re-education, indoctrination, or just knuckle dragging stupidity. Call it whatever, but it has to stop!
The last sentence catches it.  It is not simply an over reaction to the events of Newton. This is indoctrination of children with an anti-gun philosophy, starting as soon as they can in the educational process. If children must be hurt, or turned against their father to make their, so be it.  To make nice homogenous omelets you need to break the eggs.

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