Monday, March 14, 2011

What's the News on the Bay Today?

Not much really, mostly the same old same old:

A few articles discussing O'Malley's septic proposal. Septic law would hurt local budgets, O'Malley continues push on septics bill in face of resistance, Septic Bill Looks To Be On Life Support, and Septic issue needs careful consideration. The point of view seems to depend mostly on whether their readership's ox is being gored or fattened.

Bill Kraegel of  Poolesville thinks that environmental education (which I cynically read as environmental propagandizing) is essential for the Bay cleanup.  I would be happier with a well rounded science education, starting with physics, chemistry and biology.  If you don't know those, you can't understand environmental problems.

Some consternation over the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission challenging the EPA's authority, and more consternation that a budget amendment awaiting U.S. Senate approval would block about $300 million of the cleanup effort in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Surprisingly, a newspaper in farm country thinks that the Bay Cleanup plans are unfair to farmers.

Kevin Conner thinks democracy sucks because people don't agree with his priorities.

A couple of light articles:  Hilda M. Willing (what poor grammar!) among last skipjacks, and grow more plants to help save the Bay!

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